Wednesday, June 9, 2010

gotta DANCE.

All I can say is: How has it taken me eighteen and a half years to see Singin' in the Rain!!! It is so so good. Anyone who has not seen it needs to strap themselves to a couch with something yummy to eat and watch it right now. Literally, don't finish the post until you have seen it!

I have always wished I could dance. Every time I see someone dance, the wish grows fonder and stronger.

The Dances I love:

the list goes on...

Every summer there was a catalog that came in the mail from the park and rec for dance classes. I took ballet and tap every summer when I was four through about nine. I hated it every year. It was miserable. We stood in these weird positions and occasionally clicked our heels to make jingling sounds. I know plie, releve. that's about it. How I regret hating dance classes!!

I wish regret was something you could teach a seven year-old. A mother may say, "You'll regret quitting!" This means nothing. What then could keep them motivated to want to stick with something? I don't know. If anyone has suggestions, comment before I'm a mother!!

Anyway, dance is wonderful to watch and to do. It's beautiful to see. The act of dancing, I feel, is releasing because you have to let go of inhibition. It opens you up, if just for a moment.

Friday, June 4, 2010

WARNING: Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach.

The title is pretty self explanatory, but let me give you an empirical story as to why not.

I had two cups of coffee today. Nothing to eat.

Much later. I'm tidying up my newly-cleaned room and packing for a trip. I have some music on and I'm singing along. My vibrato sounds more like a petrified adolescent male sound wave going through puberty. In other words, it was rather more shaky that it ought to be and usually is. Then I realized my hands were shaking. I was so confused. I had a lot of pent up energy. Then I realized and had two cups of coffee today and nothing to eat.

Second food observation of the day. Strawberries are deceitful. They taste so good that it doesn't really seem like they could be healthful, but somehow they are...