Good evening. I have, in the past few weeks, discovered a long lost love of tea. By lost, I mean previously non-existent. I never liked tea. Ever. In my whole life. I did always love the idea of tea, however. As a young child, I invited my girlfriends over for [juice] "tea" parties. My mom would bring out the china... for juice.
But finally, after years of longing to love tea, I do.
This is how it happened. Over Christmas, my family had a gift exchange, and I got a fantastic green mug with Ghirdeli's hot chocolate and... tea. So, I drank it. Did I like it? By no means. Did I drink it? Oh, yes. Did I grow to like it? Not really.
I was on tour with my singing group from school, when I began to loose my voice - oh dear. My friend Abby, bless her, in her motherly ways made me drink about four cups of tea daily, and she wouldn't let me have coffee, which I was accustomed to having at least once a day.
Now, no worries, I still drink coffee now, but I have finally acquired my sought-after taste for tea.
New topic:
I have been at my school since first grade, and I will be graduating in May - finally! My parents met as teachers there, and practically all our furniture is either from other teachers who were getting new furniture, or it came from the teacher's lounge when they remodeled.
So we have a long history, my school and I. It's kind of taking a dive into the pool of bankruptcy. It's not quite there, so I guess to go along with the metaphor, it's dabbling its toes in said pool. In an effort to keep it afloat, we've consolidated our two campuses [elementary with the middle/high] into one. It has taken quite an effort on everyone's part. The hallway upstairs to the library has been made off-limits to high schoolers, so we have to go down a staircase, down that hall, and up the stairs at the other end in order to get to classes there.
But here's the thing. Friday will be a huge assembly with everyone coming together. I don't really know the purpose of it, but it's happening, and it will be so... full. Today in eigth hour [Drama II :)], the superintedant came to me and asked if I'd like to speak as a representative of the student body... woh. Honored? Scared? I don't know which one is prominant in my mind.
But here's what I'm thinking of starting with.
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He grew up in Indiana, graduated college, and moved to Wisconsin where he was offered a job as a history teacher at a Christian School. There he met a very pretty lady named Laura. They fell in love, and soon they were wed. Over time, they had four beautiful, talented, loving, outstanding, cool, honest children. They began to grow up, and they moved to a big house. Even though there was lots of space, it was very old and needed lots of fixing up and new furniture. At about the same time, the school was also doing some fixing up. They were getting new, plastic bleachers in stead of the old, wooden ones. Timmy took the wood from the bleachers, sanded, planed, and shaped them into stairs and cupboards, and the school got their new bleachers. The elementary campus was getting new furniture for the teachers' lounge, and Timmy needed furniture for his house, so he took the old chairs and sofa from the lounge.
Yes, "Timmy" is my dad, which none of you have permission to call him. To all of you he is "Mr. ____" And yes, we really have old bleachers to store our food and cups in. Yes, we really had Mr. ________'s old car, but we had to put it down recently. We have had furniture from the Elementary Teachers' lounge, as well as various teachers who were upgrading. I have been attending this school since first grade.
It is a really cool thing that we all get to be in the same building. For me, it's like seeing all the different stages, or grades of my life all smashed into one building. Wednesday, I came to lunch early when some of the elementary kids were still eating, and Mr. ______ came to me and said, "The kids are having 'red light' right now, so keep it down." I had barely remembered the lights at lunch, and flipping cards.
Well, that's all I got at this point. I don't really know how to end it, especially since I don't know the purpose of the assembly, but if you have comments, comment fast!
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