Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I think my bib-herm adjuct professor uses our class to make him feel better about himself. He does all the same work as us, which is cool that he's working with us, excpet he just says things that are self-glorifying. he hands out his work for us to look at, which theoretically could be helpful, but he pointed out, "i have 44 observations, and that's not even exhaustive. Although I was exhausted by the end of it." and then, he chuckled at his own little joke.

when someone teaches, it ought to be directed at the student and towards their learning. not about impressing anyone with knowledge. when someone has the courage to stick their hand up and their neck out to answer a question to try to contribute to a discussion in class, and especially if their answer is close, their answer ought not be shut down. it is dehumanizing to be told, "not exactly. what i would say...." it turns us students into weak, incabable sponges that have not way to output, but only to soak in the prof's wisdom.


  1. haha so i was gunna sign in to my blog so i could follow you but it turns out i already did. so apparently i stalked you before i came to college ;)

  2. is that you!! i was wondering who that random person was... haha

  3. Bib Herm seems to be a hearty inspiration "for a cloudy day"... ;)

  4. the days ARE very cloudy in bolt 100 three days a week!
