Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What if Rob Bowman....

drove a ferrari?
had a powerpuff backpack?
cut class short?
stuck a jumbo marshamllow in his mouth?
didn't wear a sweatervest?
couldn't stop giggling in class?
was an old bag lady?
or a cat lady?
wore his hair differently?
was afraid of spiders?
fell asleep in class?
and snored?
encoureaged his students?
was a ginger?
did something about the fact that no one listens?
ran over a moose?
was a heartbreaker?
read my blog?
brought cupcakes to class for his birthday?
had a bedazzled sweatervest?
wore bling?
had a high squeaky voice?
wore jeans?
went surfing?
wore a christmas sweatervest with candy canes and bells and rudolph with a blinking red nose!?
was mute?
walked out of class?
starred in a music video for ke$ha?
dressed up in lady gaga's meat costume for halloween?
walked around all day holding his hands up?
had pit stains?
invented sponge technology to absorb pit leakage?
was abducted by batman through the vent?

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